
Pay-per-Click Management

Increase your reach and sell more today.

We’re experts at PPC – mainly Google Ads, Microsoft (Bing) Ads.

We put everything we know in order to increase your return on investment.

Why can you trust L'atelier Lapin for your PPC campaigns?

We have almost 10 years of experience as in-house PPC specialists, and this is why we understand the importance of a solid, sustainable strategy.
L’atelier Lapin is a Google Partner certified agency.

We’ve never stopped working on the accounts: we breathe PPC every day. We like PPC, and we’ll work with you to make you like it too!

Our experience with PPC campaigns

From small businesses to large international companies, we’ve done a lot in the past decade!

E-commerce, lead generation, local, global, English, German: we’ve done it all (almost)!

PPC Case Study: Small E-Commerce Shop

~16x increase in revenue over 2 years

Business profile

Online only supplement store​
One brand, one product

From: $2k/month
To: $50k/month​

1st step: Focus on sales growth with similar ROAS on Google Ads
2nd step: Grow even more, but with a lower ROAS

1st step: 7x sales increase over 6 months, ROAS at 489%.
2nd step: 2x increase in revenue over 18 months, ROAS from 489% to 319%.

The problem

A supplement brand selling products online exclusively found us on (we’re regular contributors of the PPC community!) and asked us to help them deliver more sales.

They couldn’t scale their ad spend despite being profitable.

Our solution

We reviewed the analytics and conversion tracking, helped them optimise their landing pages and restructured the whole account in order to reach more qualified traffic.

The results: We initially helped them deliver almost x7 sales at a similar ROAS.
We started at $2k/month in March 2021 and by September 2021, we hit $15k ad spend/month.

Going beyond and above...

Scaling up further was even more difficult: it was a rocky road… at some point we had to stop the ads because of the product run out of stock as we sold much more than expected. This was the biggest hurdle!

Since September 2021, we’ve doubled the monthly sales volume (that’s 16x compared to March 2021!).

How? With the high volume, we had more leeway for scaling up further. We kept optimising the ads/keywords/biddings, the landing pages and developed Bing Ads as well.

We're extremely thankful, honoured and proud to be working with them even now (time of writing: June 2023)!

We can achieve great things together.

Frequently Asked Questions

We tend to work with accounts that are looking to grow! We have experience working with global CAC40 and FTSE100 companies, but also small startups and local businesses. There’s no job too small for us as long as there is room for scaling… and there’s definitely no job too big as we’re used to manage millions of ad spend per year!

We aim to be partners who care about your business: if something doesn’t seem good for you, it’s definitely not good for us, so we’ll let you know.

At L’atelier Lapin, we speak three languages: English, French (native) and Japanese (native). We have additional support capabilities for these three languages, and naturally, we’re most comfortable with them.

With that being said, in our corporate lives, we were also working in languages we didn’t and still don’t speak (with the appropriate language support!). We actually hold language degrees, so we’re not quite scared! If you provide language support, we can work in any market.

Yes, even Dutch! You read it right.

You need your own account setup, we’re not going to create one for you, sorry! But believe us, it’s all for the best: your account is your account, as it should be. All we do is manage it. The account and the data will always be yours. No string attached.

If you ever decide to stop working with us, we’re not going to hold anything, not even tears.

We do, and we will get better at writing ads for your business as we work more together! There are also some cases where we will tell you it’s best we don’t write ad copies. For example, we had experience working with clients in sensitive industries, and our client controlled ad copies to ensure we never used the wrong vocabulary, because that could spell trouble.

Don’t worry, the puns will stay here, unless they increase CTR.

We can and will provide guidance for building landing pages that convert and run A/B test with you to improve performance, but we don’t build landing pages*.

*except for the Japanese market.

We do, but it’s not our main focus. We’re really Paid Search specialists here, but we’ll happily setup this kind of campaigns if we see an opportunity.

We can create basic assets if needed, but it’s really not optimal.

It’s best for you to provide us with creative assets.

We’re a tiny agency of two people – we like to call ourselves a workshop (hence L’atelier Lapin). We can afford the extra attention for our clients and their needs. While we would love to grow and hire, we will never ever outsource our PPC or SEO services. At worst, if you’re asking something we don’t/can’t do, we’ll let you know and/or refer you to someone.

Everything is done in-house at L’atelier Lapin. We wouldn’t be a workshop otherwise!

You’re going to hate the answer: it depends, but it’s never going to be immediate. If you were expecting us to promise you it’ll happen tomorrow, you’re not at the right place, sorry. While we will do our best to deliver the best performance we can, we will never promise results: this is part of the risk of working in the industry.

We’re looking for sustainable, long-term working relationship, not a quick cash grab. By the way, our first client has stuck with us for over 5 years now!